SketchPaddys is the weekly sketch blog of comics artists Robert Carey, Cormac Hughes, Graeme Howard, Kevin Weldon, Monty Borror, Rob Moran, Peter Mason and Naomi Bolger.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Short Sharp Shocks Issue 2 Page

So I finally managed to get started on Issue 2 of Short Sharp Shocks. I even managed to write a script for this one (well, part of it anyway!). For those of you not familiar with it (i.e. anybody not related to me who therefore didn't buy it!!), The first issue of Short Sharp Shocks came out last year, and is a sort of anthology comic all done by me. You can still pick up a copy online here
or at Dublin City Comics & Collectibles on Bolton St in Dublin. I'm hoping to have Issue 2 ready for the Summer conventions here in Ireland, so I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, enjoy the preview and pick up Issue 1!


Saturday, January 22, 2011


A Little Energon And A Lot Of Luck.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Spotlight Stunticons

Over the last couple of months while I've been avoiding doing any work on the second issue of Short Sharp Shocks, I've been doing some artwork on a number of Transformers and GI Joe fan projects. This is a page from what should be the first one to see the light of day: Spotlight Stunticons. You can check out the whole thing (should be up soon) and a few more previews here. In the meantime, heres one of the pages I did, and the coloured version (Coloured by Matt Marshall).


Friday, January 14, 2011

Creative Suicide

My donation to The Creative Suicide book... if you'd like to join in then email

Stephen Paul Coffey

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

'44 Avengers

Happy new year everyone! I've gone into panic mode now as I want to get a second issue of Short Sharp Shocks out this year, but I've nothing at all done yet! I've a couple of Transformers strips in the works at the moment (more on that in the future) and a one-page GI Joe strip to work on first, so I'm actually trying to write some scripts this time, rather that just draw stuff as it comes into my head. This solo publishing stuff is harder than it looks! Wish me luck...

In the meantime, I found this knockinf round on the PC from last year. Just messing round with an Iron Man design and it kind of spiralled from there.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Clockwork Man

Here's a character from the web comic I'm working on that you should go a head and check out.